Monday, October 11, 2010


Some say talk is cheap, but talking incurs a heavy toll sometimes.

I can be the worst over-analyzer at times. I like to take inventory of my day and my week to gauge how things went: socially, spiritually, mentally, etc. I don't do this as a way of unearthing the past or dwelling on it, but rather a way to keep myself sharp and learn something important from the instances where I felt less than proud of my reaction: internal (my thoughts) or external (things I spoke to others).

There are some days that I can mentally whiz through and give myself an A+: "Good job - you spoke good/positive things, were patient, worked hard, served well, loved greatly." But then, some days require a little more introspective reflection: "You didn't need to say that, could have afforded more grace here and there, need to get your patience in check, wasted time and didn't get to Task C or E, etc."

These days, it sometimes seems like we all talk a lot less to one another. Phone calls are becoming more and more scarce, and texting seems to be the preferred method of communication. Why use syllables when kilobytes of date will suffice easier and not interrupt another activity or event? With this becoming the norm, it would seem that what we say is in shorter order which leads to our words being scrutinized a lot more closely. With that in mind, I make it my goal to make sure that everything I say be purposeful whether that purpose be encouraging, humorous, informative, helpful, or something in that same vein (note: my goal is not always achieved!).

Methinks that words should exude passion, and that passion should therefore give way to action. What we say should inevitably make way for great things to happen in our lives and the lives of others. When one speaks fervently about injustice or a call to action, that call demands an answer, one that requires we put our money where our mouth is and put feet to our faith. There's no sadder thing, in my opinion, than someone who talks about their dreams endlessly, yet makes no moves towards the culmination of said dreams.

Yesterday one of the j_hi leaders shared a note about his dreams and what he would like to see happen. The remarkable thing that stirred my heart was that he illustrated how he has already and plans to further put his shoulder to the wheel and his nose to the grindstone. At a young age, he is already planting seeds and not just talking about the harvest that is yet to be. It's one thing to be a dreamer, but it's something far more noble to get your head out of the clouds and tread dirt, water, and sky.

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